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The Neon Green Cabbage Leather Coral will brighten up any aquarium with its brilliant green coloration. Unlike Toadstool Leathers, the Neon Green Cabbage Leather coral does not grow a long stalk; rather it grows close to the rock work. When fully open the tops of these leather corals are covered with numerous short polyps about 3 mm in length.


Placement: Mount the Neon Green Cabbage Coral coral using IC gel glue, or putty, on an exposed rock or ledge in the middle third of the aquarium where they will receive moderate currents and moderate to high lighting. Leave a few inches around them and consider that they will often begin to shade corals around them as they grow larger.

Feeding: Although symbiotic algae called zooxanthellae hosted within them supply most of their nutritional requirements through photosynthesis Cabbage Leather Corals do require supplemental feedings of phytoplankton and marine snow.

Lighting & Flow Requirements: The Neon Green Cabbage Leather coral requires moderate water flow and low to moderate lighting (PAR 80-250). T5’s, Metal Halides, or LED’s can all grow Leather Corals when the proper PAR levels are provided. We recommend a 14-20K color spectrum for best coloration.

Care Level: Easy
Lighting Requirements: Moderate to high (PAR 150-300)
Water Flow: Moderate
Aggressiveness: Peaceful
Range: Fiji, Indonesia
Family: Alcyoniidae
Water Conditions: 75-80° F; sg 1.024-1.026 (1.025 is ideal); pH 8.1-8.4 Ca 420-440 ppm, Alk 8-9.5 dKH, Mg 1260-1350, Nitrates <10ppm, Phosphates, < .10ppm